the heart

How often do we consider an organ in our body as anything other than functional?  When was the last time you acknowledged or thought of your heart?  In a functional capacity we all know it as a pump for blood around our body.  Emotionally though we have all felt heartache or warm glowing joy from that region. Today I offer you a quick little process that only takes a minute to actually feel our hearts rather than scientifically interpret them.  

An exercise if you are feeling adventurous.

Like most exercises i offer this process can take as short or as long as you like.  Be kind to yourself and do whatever your life, time and energy allows for.  

I feel like many people don't actually meditate even for a second because they believe it has to take time and needs to be done in a space conducive to it.  I offer you another viewpoint, that mediation integrates with our day to day activity so it becomes fluid throughout our life.  It can happen in a moment, any time anywhere.  

Read this through then close your eyes and follow the steps you remember.  There is no correct way here, just a practice of 'tuning in' and connecting with yours inner being.

close your eyes

take three breaths through your nose. in. out. in. out. 

place your hand on your chest over your heart area

feel the beat

think of a flower

feel if it changes the feeling in the space of your heart

observe this change if there is one

acknowledge your heart for the wonderful work it does for your body - even as you sleep it is always doing its humble, constant work

thank your heart

be with this moment

thank yourself for taking this moment

open your eyes 

Enjoy this beautiful rainy evening if you are in Melbourne like me.  Enjoy whatever you're experiencing wherever you are in the world and remember, if you're not enjoying anything, "this too shall pass"...



I don't know where this image is from but i'd like to thank whoever created it.  Please tell me if any of you know the source so I can acknowledge it.  It speaks straight to the heart.  My friend Danielle sent it to me as I was going into the hospital to give birth to our baby.  The next photo on my phone after it is of our baby girl.  The biggest heart expansion i've ever felt.
